09 June, 2007

All Moved In!

Thanks again to all of you who helped us move in. Also, thanks to Chris for helping me change toilets.

Well, the last week has been eventful. We had no water all week. The water company came out Tuesday and switched out the cracked meter. Of course once we got the water turned on we found several leaks in the pipes. The plumber couldn't make it out until last night but we finally have running water. Huzzah! Of course, we also have a nice hole in the bedroom wall courtesy of the plumbers attempts to access the frozen pipes.

We spent the day in the yard with Jenny's parents. We are slowly getting all the weeds out of the flower beds and getting the grass under control. We're also starting to make the place feel like our own. Jenny has done a heck of a job getting everything unpacked and sorted out. She definitely has some interior designer in her blood. I would hate to see how the place would look if I were to decorate it.

So the plan for the summer is to get the upstairs painted, get some new window dressings and lay some new temporary carpet in the living room. If anyone wants to help just give me a call. I'm offering beer and burgers as incentive.

As usual, more pics can be found at the Flickr button to the right.


DougieB said...

Looks great! Though i'm sure that you're only itching to get more done, I must say i'm sad to see the shag bathroom carpet go. Don't know how you could do that.

Ike said...

Don't worry it's still in the garage. I'm sure we'll find a good use for it.