30 July, 2007

Don't Worry, I'm Not Dead

Wow, I have been away for far too long. I'm sure I wasn't missed too much. Things have been pretty calm on the home-front. After the holiday things calmed down to a pretty slow pace; pretty boring actually. We've been exploring our fine city from our new dwelling, located conveniently close to downtown. I did however get to see The Mullet a week ago. Always good to run into old friends.

I've picked up the guitar again for the first time in 6 years. I want to kick myself for getting away from it for that long. It's like I parted ways with my best friend then crossed paths with them again years later. I didn't appreciate the experience at the time but now that I'm back on board I can't believe I let it get away in the first place. Unfortunately I now have to relearn about 3/4 of the stuff I learned back in the day. I've picked up a few good blues licks this week though and I'm torturing Jenny with a couple of lead licks that I've been practicing every day.

I almost hate to admit it but I finally got run over by the Harry Potter bus. I had conveniently avoided the books and movies all these years until I got sick a couple of weekends ago. TNT had the first 3 films running on a marathon and since there was nothing else on at the time I took a gander. Now I'm hooked. Perhaps I'll even get to see the new one at the theater. I doubt it though. And speaking of movies, DO NOT watch "The Number 23" with Jim Carrey. If you feel the urge to do so have a friend or family member lock you in a dark room full of spiders and shards of broken glass for two hours. It will enrich your life much more than said movie.

Well, I guess that's enough for my boring life update. Hope things are going well out there in the land in which my friends dwell.

Oh yeah, one more thing. We went to a Whitecaps game with the Dornans and my sister recently and you'll never guess what happened.


I know, it's rare but it happened. You can see for yourself:

01 July, 2007

Thunder in the Sky


So the beautiful wife and I spent Saturday at the Battle Creek Air Show. It's become something of an annual event for us. 5 hours of beautiful sun and the marvel of mechanized flight.

One thing I can't figure out though; every airshow I've ever been to has 4-5 of the aerobatic prop plane
tions, yet after seeing 1 or 2 you've seen everything they have to offer. Why do they need so many? Saturday was one of the worst. There were 5 different aerobatic acts, two of them flew twice and two of the invidual planes flew a second act together for a total of 8 aerobatic segments. I mean i can only see so many hammerhead turns and snap rolls before it all runs together.

Luckily the day culimated with the Blue Angels. I have now seen both of the U.S. precision jet teams, the Canadian team and the Italian team at various airshows and I have to say, the Angels are my favorite. Sorry Dougie, the AF Thunderbirds are phenomenal but there is just something a little extra about the Blue Angels show.

All in all it was a good day of airborne testosterone. Have I mentioned that I love summer? As usual, there are pics of the weekend at the Flickr banner to the right. As an added bonus, I will treat you to my first ever attempt at video documentation.