27 September, 2008

Hurricane Ike Strikes Again!

So how's everyone this week? Hopefully doing well.

Things have been crazy busy for me lately. This hurricane season is probably the busiest for us in the 9 years I've been at my current job, plus I've thrown school in on top of it. I had the pleasure of writing a paper on the Federal Reserve this week. Joy! But I wanted to drop a line out and say hello, you know, since our government is about to incur another $700 billion in debt which of course will actually wind up being more like $2 trillion by the time they actually get it completed. I fully expect to see Mad Max patrolling the highways by this time next year, keeping the few of us who are left safe from marauders on the prowl for the last barrels of gasoline. Not that I'm skeptical, I just don't trust politicians to do anything remotely sensible.

So anyway, to offset the doom and gloom of the previous paragraph, I give you a song by the always great Flight of the Concords. I'm sure Jenny will tell you that I am totally this guy.

19 September, 2008

Saying Goodbye

I've been waiting to post this until I got my laptop back so I could post the picture with it.

As some of you know we had to say goodbye to Dexter on Sunday. That was by far the hardest thing I have had to do in my life. We only had him for about a month but he fit right in to our little family. I have always said that dogs were an Earthbound illustration of God's unconditional love for us and this little guy proved my point even more. He came from a crappy family situation where he was locked up in a cage all the time but he was just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Yeah, he chewed up the couch, yeah he woke us up in the middle of the night, yeah he drove Emmet bonkers but we all loved him and he loved us right back.

Damn, I'm getting a bit choked up writing this but I guess I'm just a sucker for a good dog.

I'll miss you buddy.

07 September, 2008

The Second Coming of Herschel

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you your 2008 Heisman Trophy Winner.

06 September, 2008

Dwight's Birthday - A Running Diary

2:42 pm - Well that didn't last long. At least this means OSU is still on track to get destroyed by 30+ points in the National Championship game again.

So it seems like the sale is winding down. This will be my last post for the day. We're heading out for dinner and a double feature at the drive in theater.

So long.

Dwight's Birthday - A Running Diary

2:08 pm - Ohio 14 Ohio State 6 4:42 left in the 3rd Quarter.

This warrants further attention.

Dwight's Birthday - A Running Diary

1:01 pm - Wow, people sure love junk. It amazes me what other people find valuable. We just sold a 30 year old vacuum cleaner for $5. It's one of those really heavy, really old vacuums that comes in a big chest to store all the parts. A couple of college girls bought it and you would have thought it was the greatest thing they ever saw. Just this morning Jenny was ranting about what a piece of crap it was and here are two people that thought it was awesome. (Rie, it was just like when you and Jenny found the dinosaur).

I don't get people. But I'll take their money.

Dwight's Birthday - A Running Diary

12:12 pm - We're on fire now. Apparently everyone decided that noon is the best time to buy other people's junk.

The best part so far, we have 3 large buckets of toys that we're selling for $1 per bag. Kids are stuffing grocery bags to the brim and getting completely worked up about the smorgasbord of toys. Lots of smiles around here!

Dwight's Birthday - A Running Diary

1 hour down. We've made $1.

I just wet myself.

Dwight's Birthday - A Running Diary

10:30 am - Jenny keeps making fun of my setup out here in the garage. I've got my laptop for entertainment (I'm expecting a lot of sitting around and plenty of nothing-doing), I've got a notebook for keeping track of sales, a calculator because I suck at math and my coffee. I don't see what's so funny about this but Jenny thinks it's hilarious. I figured I would leave it to my readers (both of you) to decide exactly how humorous this is. Comment away.

Dwight's Birthday - A Running Diary

10:05 am - So I'm 31. How am I celebrating you ask? By sitting in my garage and selling stuff to people.

That's right, a garage sale! How do you celebrate your birthdays? I'll make a few posts to keep you all updated on the monotony.