So we just got back from Georgia. We surprised my grandfather on Saturday for his 80th birthday. It was the first time since Jenny and I got married that the entire family was together. We got to eat a lot of great food, including all of the fast food hotspots (Chick-Fil-A, Krystal, Waffle House, and Varsity hot dogs).
The best part of the weekend though was the video I put together for the birthday party. Nana and Granddaddy really loved it, they even had a little cry that was really sweet. I thought I'd share it with everyone. Plus, for those who haven't heard yet, you can partake in the surprise we gave to the family.
So how's everyone this week? Hopefully doing well.
Things have been crazy busy for me lately. This hurricane season is probably the busiest for us in the 9 years I've been at my current job, plus I've thrown school in on top of it. I had the pleasure of writing a paper on the Federal Reserve this week. Joy! But I wanted to drop a line out and say hello, you know, since our government is about to incur another $700 billion in debt which of course will actually wind up being more like $2 trillion by the time they actually get it completed. I fully expect to see Mad Max patrolling the highways by this time next year, keeping the few of us who are left safe from marauders on the prowl for the last barrels of gasoline. Not that I'm skeptical, I just don't trust politicians to do anything remotely sensible.
So anyway, to offset the doom and gloom of the previous paragraph, I give you a song by the always great Flight of the Concords. I'm sure Jenny will tell you that I am totally this guy.
I've been waiting to post this until I got my laptop back so I could post the picture with it.
As some of you know we had to say goodbye to Dexter on Sunday. That was by far the hardest thing I have had to do in my life. We only had him for about a month but he fit right in to our little family. I have always said that dogs were an Earthbound illustration of God's unconditional love for us and this little guy proved my point even more. He came from a crappy family situation where he was locked up in a cage all the time but he was just about the sweetest thing I've ever seen. Yeah, he chewed up the couch, yeah he woke us up in the middle of the night, yeah he drove Emmet bonkers but we all loved him and he loved us right back.
Damn, I'm getting a bit choked up writing this but I guess I'm just a sucker for a good dog.
2:42 pm - Well that didn't last long. At least this means OSU is still on track to get destroyed by 30+ points in the National Championship game again.
So it seems like the sale is winding down. This will be my last post for the day. We're heading out for dinner and a double feature at the drive in theater.
1:01 pm - Wow, people sure love junk. It amazes me what other people find valuable. We just sold a 30 year old vacuum cleaner for $5. It's one of those really heavy, really old vacuums that comes in a big chest to store all the parts. A couple of college girls bought it and you would have thought it was the greatest thing they ever saw. Just this morning Jenny was ranting about what a piece of crap it was and here are two people that thought it was awesome. (Rie, it was just like when you and Jenny found the dinosaur).
12:12 pm - We're on fire now. Apparently everyone decided that noon is the best time to buy other people's junk.
The best part so far, we have 3 large buckets of toys that we're selling for $1 per bag. Kids are stuffing grocery bags to the brim and getting completely worked up about the smorgasbord of toys. Lots of smiles around here!
10:30 am - Jenny keeps making fun of my setup out here in the garage. I've got my laptop for entertainment (I'm expecting a lot of sitting around and plenty of nothing-doing), I've got a notebook for keeping track of sales, a calculator because I suck at math and my coffee. I don't see what's so funny about this but Jenny thinks it's hilarious. I figured I would leave it to my readers (both of you) to decide exactly how humorous this is. Comment away.
Hello everyone. Just wanted to check in. Things have been busy and they don't seem to be calming down anytime soon.
Jenny and I have been enjoying a restful weekend, had a few nice dinners out and we're getting ready for a garage sale next weekend. It's the first weekend in a while we haven't had something planned.
So I started school a couple of weeks ago. I'm exited to finally get this damn degree finished. Just 18 more months to go? Keep my sanity in your prayers!
On the subject of prayer requests, please keep the prayers going this week for everyone involved with Hurricane Gutav. It's obviously going to affect a lot of people in the gulf coast still cleaning up from Katrina but it also affects us lucky few in the insurance industry. There will be many hours of overtime in the coming month or two and when combined with my classes I forsee some tired evenings and long weekends in my future.
Thankfully it seems like people got the message two years ago and are getting out of Louisiana. Hopefully we can do a better job of taking care of everyone this time.
Well, that's it for now. I'll check in when I can. Till next time.
My little brother already took care of the memorial info for Mr. Caray on the day of his passing so i figured I would wait until the day of his memorial to pay my tribute.
Baseball lost treasure last week. The son of legendary announcer Harry Caray, Skip was mostly unrecognized across the country. He started calling Braves games the year before I was born. His voice was heard by millions across the country on TBS but few outside Atlanta really appreciated it. I firmly believe Skip Caray was one of the most undervalued announcers in the game. Yes I am biased but I still believe that Mr. Caray was the best announcer that never got any attention. The only time I ever heard anyone ever say anything about him outside Atlanta it was to make fun of his style. Yet he was the voice of 14 years of Braves excellence and he is THE voice of baseball for me.
I grew up during the worst years of the Braves existence. Bob Horner, Pasqaul "I-285" Perez (ask me about that nickname and I'll tell you a great story), worst record in baseball, these were just some of the things we lived through back then.
Then in 1991 it all changed. Glavine, Smoltzie, Ronnie Gant and the gang started winning. They lost what may well have been one of the best World Series ever, but they rejuvenated a fan base. Skip was there to give me the play by play on my radio. Then dad cable and I got to enjoy his sarcastic whit along with all the games I could handle.
The Dodgers have Vern Scully, the Tigers have Ernie Harwell. I'll take Skip Caray every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
I grew up with "Braves Win, Braves Win!" Who could ask for more?
Thanks Skip. I don't know if baseball will ever be the same. At least not for me.
USA Today Coaches Poll RANK TEAM 1. Georgia (22) 2. USC (14) 3. Ohio State (14) 4. Oklahoma (3) 5. Florida (5)
And I have to say, given my current living arrangements in the state of Michigan and the pre-season positioning of my favorite team; this was my favorite headline of the day.
"Ohio State Buckeyes In Position To Lose Third Straight BCS Title Game"
Sometimes I wonder if there is something wrong with me. Either that or my job has done permanent damage to my heart. Not the one that pumps blood but the one that has feelings.
I love my job but I have to be able to separate my compassion for others from my duty to do my job. If you let the horrible stories I hear everyday get to you then eventually you won't be able to do the job. Now, I love my job, but the reason I have been able to do it for so long is my ability to be detached while I'm at work.
I just hope its not bleeding into my regular life. Now I know I come by the cold, calculating thought process naturally (you'll understand if you know my dad), but sometimes I feel a little "off", when I'm able to move past bad experiences quickly.
Like today, our new dog had a bunch of seizures and it looks like he has epilepsy. Jenny is of course distraught by the whole thing. I on the other hand observed the situation, made the decisions about what we needed to do and felt terrible about it for a while, but now I've moved on because I know there is nothing more I can do. I know it is a logical step to take but sometimes I really wish I "felt" more. Sometimes I wonder if all those feelings are just bunching up for a massive sneak attack at some inconvenient time in the future.
OK, I guess that's enough for today. Just had some thoughts running through the ole noggin and thought I'd put them down for your perusal.
Has anyone else noticed that Marie shows up in a lot of pictures with the same shady look?
I'm starting to think she may be up to something. I'll have to keep my eye on her.
So we spent Saturday (day 2 of my 4 day weekend) with the magnificent Dornans at the Battle Creek Air Show. We both packed coolers so we would have sufficient snackage with which to battle the onslaught of tasty, fatty airshow food. Of course, once the smell of roasted animal flesh wafted across our party of four our willpower was pretty much destroyed. I wound up going with the monster pulled pork sandwich as my lunchables no longer cut it.
The airshow was excellent as always. The Thunderbirds put on one of the better demonstration shows I have seen. I know they are all just about the same but something just felt extra awesome this time.
Of course Jenny hid from the cameras all day. However, there is a video out there of her playing Air Controller Hero (Jenny plays Guitar Hero with the regular Xbox controller). Hopefully it turns up soon.One of our highlights of the day was the above T-shirt. Yes, those are pigs in various states of reproduction. The signifcance to us is that we bought Jenny's mom a salt and pepper shaker set that can be rearranged into many of the above snapshots. For some reason, every time we go to the in-laws each pig is stationed on opposite sides of the stove. Jenny usually rectifies that extremely non-childish situation quite quickly.
All in all it was a pretty good holiday weekend. We got to spend time with good friends, Jenny became the first person to yak in Chris' vehicle (It shall now be known amongst us as The Vomit Comet), we saw the new Will Smith flic (much better than the critics are willing to admit), ate some good food and advanced a level or two at the old Guitar Hero.
Unfortunately Jenny was also sick for most of the weekend. It sucked for her but I got to do one of my favorite things which is to take care of my baby.
I don't feel like watching TV tonight so I decided to write something. I didn't have anything on my mind so I decided to let Itunes decide my blog topic.
I hit shuffle.
I hit play.
The song that came on?
Fat Bottom Girls by Queen.
Now the aforementioned women may indeed make the Rockin World go round but there is nothing but grief in such a blog for me.
So, lets try another song.
The winner is?
Mississippi Queen by Mountain.
What the heck is going on here?
Ok, last try.
No Woman No Cry - The Fugees
OK thats better. I have two versions of this song (Fugees and Bob Marley). It easily ranks in my top 10 all time. I always think of my honeymoon when I hear this song. We went to Jamaica and they had Marley on all the freakin time. This song more than any other. Just such a beautiful song that I have attached to a beautiful memory. There is so much emotion wrapped up in this song, I get caught up in it everytime its on.
Ok, so nothing profound came from that post. So I'm gonna shuffle through my itunes for a bit and narrarate for you. I'm sure your thrilled.
Walk Like an Egyptian - The Puppinni Sisters
This is a new one, a remake of the old Bangles song done in a WWII USO trio style. Can't say much except that you need to check it out.
Taylor Bar, 4 a.m. / Ceol Na Mara - Lunasa
Thanks to Rie for turning me on to this great Celtic band. They are the soundtrack for my Irish days. I always feel transported to the Emerald Isle whenever they are on. I need a Guiness.
Fantine's Death / Confrontation - Les Miserables
The best song from the best musical. Plus, I can almost sing a few parts from it. I'm gonna pause for a minute and take in this one a couple of times.
Wonderall - Oasis
Otherwise known as The Todd Song. Doug you probably know why. Of course, I can't blame the hairy drummer for loving these guys. I can listen to their first two albums at any time. I have yet to get sick of any of the songs. There is something about rock made by band members that hate each other. Its even better when they are brothers.
OK, one more.
Boll Weevil - The Presidents of the United States of America.
Ah, music from the mid 90's. The best of the artsy, Seattle hippie scene. Gotta love the guitbass and the bassitar. (For those that don't know these guys played one guitar with 3 strings, one with 4, one strung with bass strings and heavily drop tuned). And they wrote songs about odd little insects, dune buggys, cats and crushing fruit between your fingers while stalking your ex girlfriend. Who could ask for more.
Well if you've made it through this far I commend you on your resilience. Alas, I have nothing worth saying to say.
The above title is attributed to the amazing cook known as Suzanne Hoek. She requested the above title when we relayed the following information.
Jenny is addicted to a video game.
I downloaded a free demo of Guitar Hero III last week and she tried it out. She wound up staying up until 2:00 the next morning playing it. So, I went to the store and bought the real thing. Now we are both hooked.
I've said for years how lame I thought that game was. Well, I stand corrected. Well, actually it is pretty lame but it is fun as hell and after 11 years together we have finally found something we both LOVE to do together. (Well, two things but this s a family blog).
So I am here, in accordance with Show Code, to admit my shame. But thats ok, cause I'm at the point in my life where the only opinion I really care about is Jenny's, and in this house, I'm a freaking ROCK STAR!
But it usually results in a sore back the next day.
So The Todd and I played 18 at Wallinwood Springs yesterday. It was a nice round that contained more birdies and pars than expected. Unfortunately they were cancelled out by an equal number of unexpected triple and quadruple bogeys.
But, thanks to my new exercise routine my back is not nearly as sore as it has been in years past and I got the first bit of sun for the year on my pale Irish skin.
I'm going to hit shuffle on my ipod and write about whatever comes up.
Here we go.
The last few weeks I have felt completely swamped.
Emergency room visit for stroke level blood pressure, finding out we were pregnant, finding out we lost the baby, getting bombed by claims at work, finding out jenny needed minor surgery, feeling utterly helpless while I watched my beautiful wife writhe in pain when her miscarriage contractions started.
It's been eventful, stressful and exhausting. Yet through it all I've never felt out of control, never felt like I couldn't handle it. I didn't notice it at first but a few nights ago it hit me what we've been through the last couple of months and I was floored by the strength He has given me without my even asking. I've been lax in my walk with Him but as usual He's been right behind me with his hand perched just inches from my back, prepared to steady me when my legs start to give out.
And now, on a night where I knew I wanted to write, but didn't know what, I come across an idea for a random post and come across this song that puts it all into a focus my eyes couldn't find on their own.
This one made me laugh out loud today and if you know my wife you know why.
So I just want to apologize for the horrible lack of Dwight lately. We've had a busy las couple of weeks. Right after we got finished with the floors we left to house-sit for my inlaws for two weeks. Three days into that adventure we found out that we lost the baby. Needless to say, blogging was not foremost on my mind at the time. (Plus I used a newly purchased Xbox 360 to aid in my recovery so my time was pretty much spoken for).
But I am back now much to your delight I am sure. Unfortunately I don't have a whole lot to relay. Obviously most of you have heard the big, crappy baby news and we've moved on so I'm not going to dwell on it here.
Oh yeah, I did get to see Barack Obama's plane today. I drive home right past the back of the airport and saw his giant, campaign themed waste of donor's money sitting right there on the tarmac. I'm not much of a supporter but its always cool when important people come by.
I do have to say though that when I saw the plane sitting there all I could think of is how much money is thrown into these presidential races never to be seen again. I know that is the way it has to be done these days but the thought of people spending hundreds of millions of dollars or more to fly around the country for 2 years and garner votes kind of sickens me in a time when so many around the world cant even feed themselves. It really makes me long for a better way. I know its there, I know The Big Guy laid it out for us, but I get frustrated with the knowledge that we're too wrapped up in other things to really DO anything about God's issues. Not to mention the fact that our leaders really only pay lip service to Him these days anyway.
Well, I guess that's enough for today's rant. Here's to a good week for everyone. I promise I won't be like Chris or Jenny and start going weeks between posts anymore.
There is still a bit of trim work to be done and we have to finish the hallway as soon as I can get access to a table saw but our living room finally feels normal.
I'd type more but my arms have quit working.
I promise, once I've recovered from this ordeal I'll get some actual thoughts up here.
So Jenny and I spent the morning at Fred Meijer Gardens. I got free tickets since we sponsor the butterfly exibit there. And I have to say, it was worth what we paid.
The butterflies were boring, but we also toured the sculpture garden. That would have been boring too if we weren't so freakin childish. It can be a lot of fun to walk around and make fun of pretentious "art". Of course some of the stuff was impressive, like Davinci's Horse. Unfortunately there were too many kids around for us to get a picture of Jenny pointing out the anatomical correctness of the horse's undercarriage.
The best part of bad art? The ridiculous names of course. Can you guess what this one was called? Why it's called "The Thunder" of course. Freakin hippies.
Again, the sheer amount of people and little ones kept us from taking the obvious inappropriate picture with this poor soul.
Believe it or not, this was was called "Emmet and Chris". Did you know they are shooting "Donnie Darko Does Dallas" right here in Grand Rapids?
OK, I hope that got your attentions, but seriously, what excuse is there for a man to ever miss when he's going in the mens room. I mean they made a freaking toilet that hangs on the wall at the precise height for the transaction, and yet I still walk into the men's room at work at least once a week to find that somehow, someone has managed to leave some on the floor.
Sorry about that but I'm really starting to get mad about this. (and yes I almost said it was pissing me off but I thought better of it)
So anyway, I got to go to the ER last week. Fun times. I won't joke too much about this since my blood pressure was around 190/140. They got it down that day but I think the last little bit of my childhood died last Tuesday since I am now a proud daily pill taker. But I guess it's a small price to pay for my health.
But it was a pretty severe kick in the backside. Having a doctor tell you that at the current rate I wouldn't live to see my as yet unborn kids graduate high school will open your eyes pretty darn quick. I started weight watchers and have lost about 20 lbs so far this year but that was a real wakeup call for me. Hopefully this time I'll stay on board and get all this extra damn weight off.
OK, enough serious crap. I need something that will make me laugh.
And I'm thinking your reaction to this picture ought to do it.
1. Insurance Adjuster 2. Butcher 3. Line Cook 4. Pulling Cable for a high school computer network
Four movies I would watch over and over (or have watched over and over):
I would like to file a formal protest against whoever only let me pick 4!
1. Star Wars (That's not a moon, it's a space station!) 2. Top Gun (She's lost that lovin feeling....No she hasn't....yes, she's lost it.......I hate it when she does that) 3. The Jerk (Die Gas Pumper!) 4. The Godfather (Take the gun, leave the canoli)
Four places I have lived:
1. Columbia, SC (does it count if I was too young to remember?) 2. Grand Rapids, MI 3. Warner Robins, GA 4. Stone Mountain, GA
Four TV shows that I watch:
1. Lost 2. Criminal Minds 3. The Enhanced episode of Lost at 8:00 pm EST 4. The Office (I do NOT love Jim. He is the bane of our existence. He wouldn't know genuine sales talent if it sat right next to him......which it does)
Four places I have been:
1. Jamaica 2. Universal Studios 3. Todd's House 4. The Minneapolis airport!
Four people who email (or call) me regularly (in no particular order):
1. Jenny (she keeps me company at work) 2. Chris (he makes sure I don't miss any important articles, you know about sports or Star Trek or the Dark Knight) 3. AT&T (they keep asking for money) 4. Doug (if for no other reason than to discuss the latest PA strip)
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Roasted Chicken 2. Bonefish Grille's shrimp and sea scallops! 3. My secret recipe hamburgers 4. Heavily malted barley brewed to bring out a hint of chocolate and served with a quick shot of NO2 and allowed to settle gently in a pint glass.
Four places I would like to be right now:
1. Anywhere but Michigan 2. Not in Michigan 3. No longer in the Great Lakes state 4. Ireland
Four things I am looking forward to this year:
1. A sunny day 2. A warm day 3. Golf 4. Going to Florida for Christmas (where it is warm and it's not Michigan)
Four people who should post four things about them:
1. Paul 2. Doug 3. Jim 4. Jenny (she'll need something to post here in about 3 weeks)
So, my blogs are likely to be a bit sparse for a while. My laptop power cord is on the fritz and the $80 replacement cord is a few notches below #1 on my list of monetary priorities right now.
But I came across a freakin hilarious blog while hijacking Jenny's computer this morning. No explanation is needed as I give you an excerpt from Stuff White People Like:
#23 Microbreweries
White people don’t like stuff that’s easy to acquire. Beer is no exception. They generally try to avoid beers like Budweiser, Labatt’s, Molson, Coors, and Heineken because if it’s mass produced it is bad. No exceptions. So when they need a beer, they turn to microbrews who seem to be located almost exclusively in New England, Ontario, Quebec and Colorado. Being able to walk into a bar and order a beer that no one has heard of makes white people feel good about their alcohol drinking palate. A friend of mine once met a white guy who brought a notebook with him to every bar. He would then keep a record of all the beers he drank and his experience with them. He called it his ‘beer journal.’ Also of note: most white people want to open a microbrewery at some point. One that uses organic hops.
#13 Tea It is a known fact that white people consume, on average 25 different teas in a given year. Back in the old days, white people would go all over the world to get teas from places like India and Sri Lanka. They were pretty into it and all of a sudden white people are into tea. But as we moved forward, white people were like “man, one kind of tea is not enough, we need more.” And now people are into Green Tea, Chamomile, Chai, White Tea, Red Tea, Jasmine Tea, Oolong Tea, Black Tea, Orange Pekoe, and other specialty blends. They are even opening stores and websites devoted to sending white people all sorts of tea. If you find yourself in a situation with a white person, acceptable things to say include “I’m really into tea right now,” or “my favorite thing is to get a nice cup of tea and curl up in a chair with a good book.” But do not remind them about the role of colonialism in tea, it will make them feel sad.
#4 Assists
When you say the word “assist,” first thing you think about is Steve Nash and Wayne Gretzky. White people love to pass, it’s no secret. In basketball, it’s kind of a must so that white guys can carve out a niche and guarantee acceptance on a team. Trying to be a white guy who dunks and stuff is like trying to be a white rapper - yeah, there are a few, but you have to work twice as hard for half the results. One explanation is that white people still feel guilty over slavery, colonialism, and the crusades so passing is a way to make up for it. But more importantly, it makes them feel good to help others.
They are up to 84 entries so far. Check it out, be offended by the truth!
Have I mentioned yet that I'm about to punch winter in the throat?
So I decided it is time to concentrate on something more uplifting.
Its time for baseball baby!
Yes kids its almost time for opening day's opening pitch. This is always one of my favorite times of the year. The cold, dreariness of winter moves aside for crisp, cool days of spring. These days in turn usher in the rejuvenating smell of leather and glove conditioner along with the glee inducing crack of bat on ball. Dads across the country are spending quality time in the backyard having a catch with their sons And normally stoic men get teary eyed while watching Robert Redford round the bases.
Yet this year feels different. I've spent the last week or so trying to figure out why but it finally dawned on me:
No more Barry
No more Roger
It finally feels like we are putting the "Steroid Era" in our rear view mirror. Yes there will be the occasional story about Roger or Barry's legal wranglings; but for the most part these depressing steroid stories will focus on washed up ex players and they will eventually fade into the background.
Now we can concentrate on the important stories:
The Resurgence of the Tigers!
How will Joel Zumaya hurt himself this year?
Which crappy team will turn it around and energize a fanbase?
Personally I will be focusing on the transition from Smoltzie and Chipper to the Baby Braves in Atlanta. I'm actually kind of enjoying following a pretty good team with some serious holes. Yes 14 STRAIGHT division titles were wonderful but I feel more like a real fan when I have to suffer through the not-quite-so-good times.
So to celebrate the coming season I have decided to host a free Fantasy Baseball league on Yahoo. I'm formally inviting anyone who is interested in participating. If you read my blog you are welcome in my league. This will be strictly for bragging rights only and obsessive owners will be harshly ridiculed. I've done several of these over the years and I've found they are the most fun when contested among friends in a laid back setting.
So if you are interested, just head to Yahoo Sports. The league ID# is 151041 and the password is baseball.
OK, so everyone is talking about the big upset today. I'm not gonna pile on too.
I will share my thoughts on the Superbowl Ads though. We have fallen a long way as a marketing driven society from the days of the Bud Light Frogs and Terry Tate Office Linebacker, but last night had some worthy additions.
My Top 5
#5 Jutin Timberlake Pepsi Ad
Decently funny with some just quirky enough cameos.
# 4 - Doritos Mousetrap
Unexpected ending. Hilariously low special effects/costume budget.
# 3 - Bridgestone Tires Screaming Animals
Funny enough at first, reaches a new level with the green bug (listen closely)
Chuck finally gets the win after all these years (yes i got a little misty eyed)
These rankings are, as always up for debate (except for #1, I will not argue this)
So, how about some awards for the also-rans.
The If Only It Really Was This Easyaward goes to Coca Cola with The Carville and Frist Jinx
The Borderline Enjoyable Commercial Utterly Devastated by a Lame, 10 Year old SNL Reference goes to Pepsi with Baby Don't HurtMe
The I Will Stab You If You Cause Me To Miss This Movie award goes to Wanted.
Seriously, if you don't know about this movie do a little research. This one is gonna do a little ass kicking I do believe.
And finally, The Can We Please Stop With The Talking Head Hyperbole and Unwarranted Hype and Let Them Play the Games award goes to - Plaxico Burress and the NY Giants.
I was watching 3:10 to Yuma tonight (great movie by the way, please watch it) and I caught something during one of the DVD extras.
Christian Bale was talking about the fascination we have in America, in the "first" world, with the western. We love to watch the movies because they remind us of a time when we were entirely self sufficient and had no one to rely one but ourselves.
This was the first time I'd ever heard anyone refer to the western world as "The First World".
I realized that Batman had once again taught me something about my life.
Everyone talks about the "Third World". But when have you ever heard anyone refer to our society as the "First World".
Yeah, exactly, we're "1st"! No I don't mean first as in best, I mean first as in the top of some superficial list about what is "best". Do we even have any idea how freakin easy we have it?
It's easy to feel pity for those who are "less fortunate" than us, but do we ever really consider how "fortunate" we are? I mean come on!!! I'm writing this in while sitting in a huge, comfortable chair that my in-laws gave me for free, watching a $24 DVD on a 27" TV while weighing about 150 lbs more than my "ideal" weight. At the same time there are people in my own town who sleep in rat infested homes and wish they had enough food to get them to their "ideal" weight.
I go to church in a mini-mall where the pastor used to sing in a pop-rock band and is free to preach whatever he is led to. At the same time there are countless other Christians in many other countries who can't even proclaim the name of their Savior without fear of retribution and death.
I am free to gorge myself on a bountiful harvest of M&M's and Kraft macaroni and cheese while millions of fathers, mothers and children hope and pray for the next installment of rice.
Yes it's easy to see how others have it rough. But how often do we also really see how freakin great we have it? Maybe we should take that into account when we evaluate the true status of our lives. Maybe we should spend less time dwelling on the acquisition and retention of today's "important" things (stuff, stuff and more stuff) and concentrate on the things that really matter to everyone:
God Family Friends
Sorry for the rant but thankfully God decided to punch me in the face at a really odd time.
So today we helped out the wonderful and talented Marie Dornan with her treasure hunt for the Dicocco Family before they leave for a mission to South Africa.
We were stationed at Calder Plaza where participants had to find us, have their picture taken and obtain a clue.
It was 10 degrees.
Now before we left I thought to myself....Self, no one in their right mind goes out in 10 degree weather so it should be easy to locate the treasure hunters as they arrived at the plaza.
I was wrong. There were 21 teams. 19 actually found us and there were at least as many if not more groups that were out and about in downtown G.R. just walking around.
Once we asked a couple of girls who strolled up to La Grande Vitesse if they were part of the treasure hunt. They looked at us like we may cut them up and cook them for dinner, then quickly exited the plaza.
Amazingly we stayed warm for the vast majority or our 3 hours outside. Plus I got this kick ass picture. Definitely a good day!
So life is starting to resume a normal pace. The holidays have come and gone, the weather patterns have begun to ease the stress at work and I'm starting to feel like myself again. Thankfully I've had Jenny around to keep me (in)sane.
I figured it was time to actually do some writing here on the ole interwebnet but since I really don't have anything profound to say I'll just start typing and we can discuss whatever comes to mind.
- Saw Sweeney Todd last month. I have to say it may get added to the top of my musical list. Sondheim is a bit much to take in if you don't know what's going on ahead of time. Luckily I knew the story before we saw the movie but Jenny didn't know as much and had a harder time with it. We both agreed the music was wonderful though. Definitely one to see on stage at some point. I highly recommend it for any of you who like musicals, dark comedies and/or the Depp/Burton movie combination.
- Finished The Bourne Identity for about the 7th or 8th time. I've now read it twice since seeing the movie. When I saw the movie for the first time I thought it was pretty decent but each subsequent time I've read the novel I've realized more and more how they butchered the story. I'm to the point where I can barely watch the first movie, can't watch the second at all and still haven't seen the third. Jason Bourne (David Webb) is, as far as my opinion counts, one of the top two or three spy characters ever and I just can't bring myself to accept the film version any longer.
- Since we're talking about things I've experienced lately I'll mention some music. I just came across the new Dashboard Confessionals album "The Shade of Poison Trees". I'm still in the initial stages of a good listen but I'm quite pleased so far. I also came across an album by New Found Glory. They have a couple of albums "From The Screen to Your Stereo" Parts I and II that are covers of popular movie songs done in their style of what i guess I'll refer to as "New Punk". Its pretty decent but the kickers for me were the crappy punk versions of "The Never Ending Story", "The Glory of Love" (love song from Karate Kid II) and "The Goonies are Good Enough". (For those who don't know, The Goonies was a movie from the 80's that almost everyone between the ages of 25 and 35 has seen multiple times and can quote extensively, you know, just in case you got lost on that reference :)
- Speaking of The Karate Kid, my wonderful wife got me the original on special edition DVD for Christmas. You haven't lived until you've seen Zabka and Machio rehearsing the beach fight while shirtless and sweaty on the "Making Of" featurette.
So I guess that gets us up to date for now. Jenny and I are looking forward to a productive and exciting 2008. Hopefully everyone reading this will be a part of it. If we are lucky I'll have lots of blog fodder to relate as we stumble our way from one pratfall filled day to the next.
And since its been a while since I've done this:
How about some inappropriate Gladiator Beefcake in honor of Hulk Hogan's return to gainful employment.
OK so apparently the evil NFL has pulled the video I posted earlier. I'm really sorry about that, it was an unbelievably cheesy early 80's hippy fest with a band called "Up With People". Sorry you missed it.
So to make amends here is a double video dose for you.
Jim Carrey as David Caruso - Priceless
And Normisms from the greatest sitcom ever (at least unti The Office gets a few more seasons under its belt, and if you mention Seinfeld I will gut you)
So I'm watching Two and a Half Men this morning and a thought crossed my mind: What is the deal with Charlie Sheen. Has he really milked an entire career off his dad? Cause he sure as heck can't act. I mean its painful to watch. But at least he gave us the Charlie Sheen Face, you know the one where he tries to look all serious, purses his lips and looks like he's about to pass a glass covered brick through his colon.
So in honor of Mr. Sheen here's some more random crap from the depths of my brain.
- I'm totally voting for Mike Huckabee based solely on his likely choice for Secretary of Defense.
- OK, why did Sato's crazy nephew get all dressed up to attack Daniel San during the village party at the end of Karate Kid II? I always pick out my Sunday best any time I set off to beat the crap out of annoying dorks in front of the rich uncle who just shunned me.
- I know it would have pretty much ended the movie a little early but do you really think the Star Destroyer would really have let the escape pod go just because there were no life signs? They were looking for secret plans! I mean no one would hide plans in a Droid and eject them in an escape pod, that would be crazy. I'm sure Grand Moff Tarkin was pleased that they saved the handful of credits it would have cost for one short little laser blast.
- I demand that you watch this clip. Just more proof that we really don't need bands like Kansas to actually tour anymore.
- I'm definitely excited about the new season of Lost, but isn't there some way that Kate can run Jack over with a car during one of their mainland "flash forwards" so I don't have to keep listening to him whine and bitch?
So I guess that's it from me for the day. Now that the holidays are over and life is starting to calm down again I will hopefully get back to some meaningful posts. Here's to a great week!