08 June, 2008

Happiness Found in a Round of Golf

But it usually results in a sore back the next day.

So The Todd and I played 18 at Wallinwood Springs yesterday. It was a nice round that contained more birdies and pars than expected. Unfortunately they were cancelled out by an equal number of unexpected triple and quadruple bogeys.

But, thanks to my new exercise routine my back is not nearly as sore as it has been in years past and I got the first bit of sun for the year on my pale Irish skin.

All in all it was a pretty damn good day.


Jim said...

I tell ya, Dwight, there's nothing prettier than a green golf course than a baseball field. Or maybe a naked woman, I dunno.

Nice pics.

Ike said...

yeah, if given the choice between Augusta National, the field from Field of Dreams, and my naked wife I'd definitely say my wife was the prettiest.

Right before I took off for 18 at Bobby Jone's masterpiece.

Just don't tell Jenny

Jim said...

Not a word, man. You're secret's safe with me.