27 September, 2008

Hurricane Ike Strikes Again!

So how's everyone this week? Hopefully doing well.

Things have been crazy busy for me lately. This hurricane season is probably the busiest for us in the 9 years I've been at my current job, plus I've thrown school in on top of it. I had the pleasure of writing a paper on the Federal Reserve this week. Joy! But I wanted to drop a line out and say hello, you know, since our government is about to incur another $700 billion in debt which of course will actually wind up being more like $2 trillion by the time they actually get it completed. I fully expect to see Mad Max patrolling the highways by this time next year, keeping the few of us who are left safe from marauders on the prowl for the last barrels of gasoline. Not that I'm skeptical, I just don't trust politicians to do anything remotely sensible.

So anyway, to offset the doom and gloom of the previous paragraph, I give you a song by the always great Flight of the Concords. I'm sure Jenny will tell you that I am totally this guy.

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