So Dwight is sick of winter. Winter Sucks.
Have I mentioned yet that I'm about to punch winter in the throat?
So I decided it is time to concentrate on something more uplifting.
Its time for baseball baby!
Yes kids its almost time for opening day's opening pitch. This is always one of my favorite times of the year. The cold, dreariness of winter moves aside for crisp, cool days of spring. These days in turn usher in the rejuvenating smell of leather and glove conditioner along with the glee inducing crack of bat on ball. Dads across the country are spending quality time in the backyard having a catch with their sons And normally stoic men get teary eyed while watching Robert Redford round the bases.
Yet this year feels different. I've spent the last week or so trying to figure out why but it finally dawned on me:
No more Barry
No more Roger
It finally feels like we are putting the "Steroid Era" in our rear view mirror. Yes there will be the occasional story about Roger or Barry's legal wranglings; but for the most part these depressing steroid stories will focus on washed up ex players and they will eventually fade into the background.
Now we can concentrate on the important stories:
The Resurgence of the Tigers!
How will Joel Zumaya hurt himself this year?
Personally I will be focusing on the transition from Smoltzie and Chipper to the Baby Braves in Atlanta. I'm actually kind of enjoying following a pretty good team with some serious holes. Yes 14 STRAIGHT division titles were wonderful but I feel more like a real fan when I have to suffer through the not-quite-so-good times.
So to celebrate the coming season I have decided to host a free Fantasy Baseball league on Yahoo. I'm formally inviting anyone who is interested in participating. If you read my blog you are welcome in my league. This will be strictly for bragging rights only and obsessive owners will be harshly ridiculed. I've done several of these over the years and I've found they are the most fun when contested among friends in a laid back setting.
So if you are interested, just head to Yahoo Sports. The league ID# is 151041 and the password is baseball.
Hope to see you there.
And remember. Catchers make better lovers!