29 February, 2008

Play Ball!

So Dwight is sick of winter. Winter Sucks.

Have I mentioned yet that I'm about to punch winter in the throat?

So I decided it is time to concentrate on something more uplifting.

Its time for baseball baby!

Yes kids its almost time for opening day's opening pitch. This is always one of my favorite times of the year. The cold, dreariness of winter moves aside for crisp, cool days of spring. These days in turn usher in the rejuvenating smell of leather and glove conditioner along with the glee inducing crack of bat on ball. Dads across the country are spending quality time in the backyard having a catch with their sons And normally stoic men get teary eyed while watching Robert Redford round the bases.

Yet this year feels different. I've spent the last week or so trying to figure out why but it finally dawned on me:

No more Barry

No more Roger

It finally feels like we are putting the "Steroid Era" in our rear view mirror. Yes there will be the occasional story about Roger or Barry's legal wranglings; but for the most part these depressing steroid stories will focus on washed up ex players and they will eventually fade into the background.

Now we can concentrate on the important stories:

The Resurgence of the Tigers!

How will Joel Zumaya hurt himself this year?

Which crappy team will turn it around and energize a fanbase?

Personally I will be focusing on the transition from Smoltzie and Chipper to the Baby Braves in Atlanta. I'm actually kind of enjoying following a pretty good team with some serious holes. Yes 14 STRAIGHT division titles were wonderful but I feel more like a real fan when I have to suffer through the not-quite-so-good times.

So to celebrate the coming season I have decided to host a free Fantasy Baseball league on Yahoo. I'm formally inviting anyone who is interested in participating. If you read my blog you are welcome in my league. This will be strictly for bragging rights only and obsessive owners will be harshly ridiculed. I've done several of these over the years and I've found they are the most fun when contested among friends in a laid back setting.

So if you are interested, just head to Yahoo Sports. The league ID# is 151041 and the password is baseball.

Hope to see you there.

And remember. Catchers make better lovers!

24 February, 2008

I Don't Get It

Jenny thinks if we have a girl she will wind up like this.

I have no idea what she is talking about.

18 February, 2008

A Post For Paul and Doug

Because I don't think anyone else will understand.

14 February, 2008

The Best Part About Winter


If there is a more beautiful grouping of four words, I am not yet aware.

10 February, 2008

Metal By Numbers. Cookie Cookie Cookie!

OK, time for a video drop.

Today's title is brought to you by the amazing Brian Posehn who nails my feelings on today's "Metal" music.

04 February, 2008

Superbowl XLII - The Ads

This Blog is brought to you in THX sound.

OK, so everyone is talking about the big upset today. I'm not gonna pile on too.

I will share my thoughts on the Superbowl Ads though. We have fallen a long way as a marketing driven society from the days of the Bud Light Frogs and Terry Tate Office Linebacker, but last night had some worthy additions.

My Top 5

#5 Jutin Timberlake Pepsi Ad

Decently funny with some just quirky enough cameos.

# 4 - Doritos Mousetrap

Unexpected ending. Hilariously low special effects/costume budget.

# 3 - Bridgestone Tires Screaming Animals

Funny enough at first, reaches a new level with the green bug (listen closely)

# 2 - Soundproof Corolla

Ill timed cell phone calls + ornery badgers = comedy goldmine

#1 - Coca Cola Parade

Chuck finally gets the win after all these years (yes i got a little misty eyed)

These rankings are, as always up for debate (except for #1, I will not argue this)

So, how about some awards for the also-rans.

The If Only It Really Was This Easy award goes to Coca Cola with The Carville and Frist Jinx

The Borderline Enjoyable Commercial Utterly Devastated by a Lame, 10 Year old SNL Reference goes to Pepsi with Baby Don't Hurt Me

The I Will Stab You If You Cause Me To Miss This Movie award goes to Wanted.

Seriously, if you don't know about this movie do a little research. This one is gonna do a little ass kicking I do believe.

And finally, The Can We Please Stop With The Talking Head Hyperbole and Unwarranted Hype and Let Them Play the Games award goes to - Plaxico Burress and the NY Giants.

OK so I piled on a little bit. I don't care.

Till next time!

01 February, 2008

God Punches Really Hard.

I was watching 3:10 to Yuma tonight (great movie by the way, please watch it) and I caught something during one of the DVD extras.

Christian Bale was talking about the fascination we have in America, in the "first" world, with the western. We love to watch the movies because they remind us of a time when we were entirely self sufficient and had no one to rely one but ourselves.

This was the first time I'd ever heard anyone refer to the western world as "The First World".

I realized that Batman had once again taught me something about my life.

Everyone talks about the "Third World". But when have you ever heard anyone refer to our society as the "First World".

Yeah, exactly, we're "1st"! No I don't mean first as in best, I mean first as in the top of some superficial list about what is "best". Do we even have any idea how freakin easy we have it?

It's easy to feel pity for those who are "less fortunate" than us, but do we ever really consider how "fortunate" we are? I mean come on!!! I'm writing this in while sitting in a huge, comfortable chair that my in-laws gave me for free, watching a $24 DVD on a 27" TV while weighing about 150 lbs more than my "ideal" weight. At the same time there are people in my own town who sleep in rat infested homes and wish they had enough food to get them to their "ideal" weight.

I go to church in a mini-mall where the pastor used to sing in a pop-rock band and is free to preach whatever he is led to. At the same time there are countless other Christians in many other countries who can't even proclaim the name of their Savior without fear of retribution and death.

I am free to gorge myself on a bountiful harvest of M&M's and Kraft macaroni and cheese while millions of fathers, mothers and children hope and pray for the next installment of rice.

Yes it's easy to see how others have it rough. But how often do we also really see how freakin great we have it? Maybe we should take that into account when we evaluate the true status of our lives. Maybe we should spend less time dwelling on the acquisition and retention of today's "important" things (stuff, stuff and more stuff) and concentrate on the things that really matter to everyone:


Sorry for the rant but thankfully God decided to punch me in the face at a really odd time.