25 March, 2008

Inappropriate Question of the Day

Why can't guys pee in a freaking urinal?

OK, I hope that got your attentions, but seriously, what excuse is there for a man to ever miss when he's going in the mens room. I mean they made a freaking toilet that hangs on the wall at the precise height for the transaction, and yet I still walk into the men's room at work at least once a week to find that somehow, someone has managed to leave some on the floor.

Sorry about that but I'm really starting to get mad about this. (and yes I almost said it was pissing me off but I thought better of it)

So anyway, I got to go to the ER last week. Fun times. I won't joke too much about this since my blood pressure was around 190/140. They got it down that day but I think the last little bit of my childhood died last Tuesday since I am now a proud daily pill taker. But I guess it's a small price to pay for my health.

But it was a pretty severe kick in the backside. Having a doctor tell you that at the current rate I wouldn't live to see my as yet unborn kids graduate high school will open your eyes pretty darn quick. I started weight watchers and have lost about 20 lbs so far this year but that was a real wakeup call for me. Hopefully this time I'll stay on board and get all this extra damn weight off.

OK, enough serious crap. I need something that will make me laugh.

And I'm thinking your reaction to this picture ought to do it.


Jim said...


mr. chris said...

hey, liz informed me this weekend that there are WOMEN who miss the bowl...now explain that?!