06 November, 2007


tag . . .

Here's how you play....once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with ten random facts, habits, or goals about yourself. At the end, choose ten people to tag, listing their names and why you chose them; don't forget to leave a comment on their page letting them know "tag you're it". You cannot tag the original people/person back that tagged you first, but let them know when you have posted so they can read your blog.

1. I have a double headed toe on each foot. Only 10 toes all together but two on each foot share the same "trunk" for lack of a better word.

2. I once got a letter from Dr. Robert Ballard, the guy who found the Titanic. My mom has it somewhere in the pile of kids stuff.

3. I have never broken a bone (knock on wood)

4. I met the best man, maid of honor and pastor for the first time about 10 minutes before my wedding started.

5. I can't whistle.

6. My lifelong goal is to be able to play all the instruments of a three piece rock band by the time I retire.

7. I hate snow.

8. I love Scotch. Scotchy Scotch Scotch.

9. I can barbecue the crap out of a pork shoulder.

10. I have an unhealthy view of how dead sexy I really am.

My tags

1. Jenny - cuz she's my wife and I like her boobs.

2. Chris - cuz he pretty much thinks like me

3. Rie - cuz she'll laugh when she reads my comment about Jenny's boobs.

4. Rachel - my sister

5. Paul - see # 4 except we're pretty sure he's a boy

6. Doug - because he typically has the most interesting random stuff about him

7. Angie - because she'll probably make fun of Jon somewhere in her post

8. Phil - because if he's still using the internet i'd like to hear from him and see whats up

9. Wayne - always has something insightful to say

10. Ezra - because he's the Beard.

1 comment:

madjeepgirl said...

dude... I finished my TAG list... I even tagged a non-human...